Friday, November 2, 2012

Information for Newly Diagnosed Families

The 100 Day Kit

I found this document on the Autism Speaks website.

According to Autism Speaks:

The First 100 Days Kit is a tool kit to assist families in getting the critical information they need in the first 100 days after an autism diagnosis.

The document is concise, well-written and very functional. In addition to providing current information about the nature of autism, it also provides information about how having a child with ASD may affect the family, how to obtain services for a child, information about IDEA, explanations about different types of treatment, safety information, and some handy forms that can assist the family in creating an action plan during this important time.

I have a copy of this document in my waiting room with the website information (URL) printed on the front for those who would like to read more at home.

UPDATE: I found out from the folks at Autism Speaks, that the 100 day kit will be published in Spanish within a few months!

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